Ecrans Noir, a film festival in Cameroon
Created in 1997, the Ecrans Noirs Festival, a realization of the Ecrans Noirs Association has as o objective the promotion and wide spread of African cinema in Cameroon and Central Africa.
ü Distract and make quality movies to be viewed by the grand public;
ü Promote in children and youths a cinematographic spirit from the base, hence cultivate in them understanding zeal which encourages debates;
ü Ease meetings between film producers, comedians and professionals of the 7th Art and the public;
ü Facilitates audiovisual and cinema trainings;
ü Facilitates the training of comedians and of professionals of cinema related jobs.
Article 1: The festival is organized by the Association
Ecrans Noirs
Article 2: French and English are the languages used for the festival.
Article 3: The festival is made up of competitive and non-competitive parts.
Article 4: The Organizing Committee of the
Ecrans Noirs Festival
Shall be the only body empowered to rule on cases not provided for in this Regulation. Its decisions are without recourse.
Article 5: The acceptance of participation in the Ecrans Noirs festival implies adherence to the present regulations.
Article 1: The festival takes place every year. The 21st edition will hold from the 15th to the 22nd of July 2017.
Article2: The festival has as its main venue Yaoundé, Douala and other towns are considered to be secondary venues together with one or more central African capital cities or any other sub regional town.
Article 1: The Ecrans Noirs festival is open to all movies short and feature films, fiction and documentary styles and also tv series.
Article 2: Only movies produced after the 1st of January 2015 can take part in the competition.
Article3: non-competitive movies are also included in the Ecrans Noirs festival, as well as non-African movies which have African backgrounds, castings and with Africa as main point of interest in their programming<>
Article4: Film selections are done on the bases of applications received before the 30th of April 2017 at midnight. To process your file go to the website
The selection schedule is published on May 15, 2017
The application form, whose composition is available on the website, is composed of the following documents:
- A registration form
To be completed by the candidate.
- A bio filmography of the director
And possibly actors the main ones.
- A bio filmography of the producer or a CV of the production company.
- Documentation relating to the film (Synopsis, technical sheet, photos,
- A viewing link for selection, to be sent to the two E-mail addresses: and
If sent physically, documents and the film’s copy should be sent or deposited to the following address:
Located at Ancienne Ecole Maternelle CNPS Anguissa
PO Box: 11371 Yaoundé- Cameroon
Tel: (237) 242 89 76 01
Hence notify the festival of any process via email through the address with a copy to the direction at, and A feedback is issued to you via
Article 5: All sending and delivery costs of film copies for the selection are being taken in charge by the producers of the film, and Ecrans Noirs is neither responsible for the errors in the process of film delivery during the expedition, nor for damages due to bad conditioning. During the sending process by email, candidates are prompted to input ZERO as market value of their DVD copy to avoid custom clearance complications.
Film copies submitted for the selection can be done through support DVD or Blue ray.
Sending and delivery costs of broadcasting copies of selected films (DVD, Blue ray or DCP) are supported by Ecrans Noirs.
Ecrans Noirscannot be held responsible for damages encountered due to the bad state of copies sent for broadcasting.
Article 6: All movies present at the Ecrans Noirs Festival can only be withdrawn by the director or producer before the end of the event with approval of the festival organization committee and against a landfill.
Article 7: Movies are in two categories: competitive films and non-competitive films, presented in panorama, tribute or hindsight.
Article 8:Any film present at the Ecrans Noirs Festivalis handed to the festival for two (2) public projections. Additional projections can be possible subject to the approval of the beneficiaries.
Article 9: For these two screenings, the festival will pay to the rights holders of the film a fee for the rental of copies for the films selected in competition.
Fiction International Feature Film : 200,000 cfafrs
Fiction International Short Film : 65,000 cfafrs
International Documentary : 150,000cfa frs
Series (3 episodes of 26min or 1 episode of 52min): 150,000 cfafrs
Fiction feature film Central Africa : 100,000cfa frs
Documentary Central Africa : 75,000 cfafrs
Cameroonian Fiction feature film : 75,000 cfafrs
Cameroonian Fiction short film : 40,000 cfafrs
Cameroonian Documentary : 50,000 cfafrs
Films and out-of-competition series may be rented between 100,000 and 200,000 FCFA for 2 screenings.
Article 1: The registration and selection procedures for the competition or participation is the sole responsibility of the organization committee of the Ecrans Noirs case of a non-selection, the movie owner can prohibit its presentation out of the competition.
Article 2: Official competition’s point of focus:
– Feature international fiction movies
– Short international fiction movies
– Long and medium international documentary
– International series
– Central African fiction feature movies
– Central African short fiction movies
– Central African medium and long documentary
– Feature fiction Cameroonian movies
– Short fiction Cameroonian movies
- The Cameroonian documentary.
The length of films "short fiction" may not exceed 30 minutes.
Article 3: A single director can not present more than one film in a category. If two or more films from him were to be selected, he should choose one.
Article 4: The official competition is arbitrated by international Juries
Composed of at least five members (film professionals, artists, journalists or men of culture), appointed by the Organizing Committee.
Article 5: Each Jury shall comprise one President and members. The President draws up a brief written report to the festival for its Archives, without specifically disclosing member assessments. Decisions within the Juries are taken on a consensual basis, but in case of necessity, after a vote and by a simple majority of the voters.In the event of the impossibility of sharing the jurors by the vote, the vote of the President Account. No person who is interested in the production or exploitation of a film in competition in sections where he is supposed to be a member. The festival is represented by a member of its staff, appointed by the General Delegate. This staff does not participate in the deliberations, and of course does not take part in the vote. He is exclusively responsible for soliciting or to clarify a specific question put by the jury addressed to the festival, and to facilitate the work of the jury on a practical level.
Article 6: The Juries award the following rewards
Designation | CASH PRIZE | REWARD | |
2,000,000 | A trophy + parchment
500,000 | A trophy + parchment | |
1,000,000 | A trophy + parchment | |
1,000,000 |
A trophy + parchment |
500,000 | A trophy + parchment | |
350,000 | A trophy + parchment | |
250,000 | A trophy + parchment | |
350,000 | A trophy + parchment | |
150,000 | A trophy + parchment | |
10. Ecran best Cameroonian actress | 150,000 | A trophy + parchment | |
11. Ecran Cameroonian documentary | 200,000 | A trophy + parchment | |
12. Ecran short Cameroonian movie | 150,000 | A trophy + parchment | |
An honor award known as the Charles Mensah prize(500,000 CFA francs + one trophy + one parchment) is awarded to any cineaste, comedian or any other cinema professional for his/her entire career course
Article 1:All cases not provided for in these Rules of Procedure will be managed by the Organizing
Committee. Its decisions are final.
Done in Yaounde, on 27th/12/2016
The General Delegate