Film Library

The NFVF film library is a resource list of South African films.

Search the NFVF film library.

The NFVF film library is a resource list of South African films. Search according to title, genre, production status, production type and funding status.

TitleMrs Right Guy
Plot SummaryGugu, the walking wounded, rejects men long before they can get too close to rock her self-imposed exile from love. But to find bliss with the right guy, she must first realise that no man is created equal and that, in love, nice guys not only have staying power but can be just right too.
Key Creative Team

Director: Adze Ugah

Writers: Pusetso ThibediCati Weinek

ProducerS: Dumi GumbiKethiwe NgcoboMokopi ShaleCati Weinek

Film TypeFeature Films
Film StatusCurrently Showing
Production TypeSA Production
Funding StatusNFVF Funded