Film Library

The NFVF film library is a resource list of South African films.

Search the NFVF film library.

The NFVF film library is a resource list of South African films. Search according to title, genre, production status, production type and funding status.

TitleSchuks! Your Country Needs You
Plot SummarySA’s favourite funny-man Leon Schuster returns to the big screen after his last outing Mad Buddies, with another hidden-camera comedy of the like for which he has become famous.
Key Creative Team

Director: Grey Hofmeyr

Producer: Andre Scholtz

Lead Cast

Rob van Vuuren, Leon Schuster, Alfred Ntombela, Lare Birk

Film TypeFeature Films
Film StatusArchived Film
Production TypeSA Production
Funding StatusNon NFVF Funded