Film Library

The NFVF film library is a resource list of South African films.

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The NFVF film library is a resource list of South African films. Search according to title, genre, production status, production type and funding status.

TitleJimmy in Pienk
Plot SummaryA quirky comedy about Jimmy Bester, a rugged seventh-generation mielie farmer who can give an accurate five-day weather forecast by simply sniffing the wind. He lives out his creative impulses by shearing sheep on the neighbouring farms – something he has to hide from his father who believes that “men are not creative". For the first time in his life Jimmy gathers the courage to leave his home and travel to Cape Town to seek help from his uncle, but Fred has a bitter grudge against the Bester family and he hatches a plan to exact revenge on the family that spurned him.He convinces Jimmy to enter his reality TV show, SA’s Next Super Stylist. If Jimmy wins the competition, he can take home the prize money and save his family. With the final of the competition around the corner and the loan sharks’ deadline looming, can an honest country boy like Jimmy keep up an elaborate lie, or will the urge to be himself sabotage his chances at winning the contest and saving his beloved farm, and does he fall in love along the way? featured image
Featured image
GenreComedy, Romance
Key Creative Team

Director: Hanneke Schutte
Music: Barry Van Zyl, James Stewart, Peach Van Pletzen

Lead Cast

Cast: Louw Venter, Terence Bridgette, Gys De Villiers, Gérard Rudolf, Tinarie Van Wyk-Loots, David Isaacs, Garth Collins, Michelle Scott, Quanita Adams, Hannon

Film TypeFeature Films
Film StatusArchived Film
Production TypeSA Production
Funding StatusNFVF Funded