Film Library

The NFVF film library is a resource list of South African films.

Search the NFVF film library.

The NFVF film library is a resource list of South African films. Search according to title, genre, production status, production type and funding status.

TitleSouth of Normal
Plot SummaryAn aspiring journalist hard on his luck is forced to work for a tabloid to cover supernatural occurrences in the country. The tabloid has in the past fabricated its stories but this time, the investigation into a zombie car guard seems to be real. Before long, Josh discovers that the zombie story is real and in fact there is a zombie outbreak which is threatening the very existence of the country.
GenreZombie Comedy
Key Creative Team

Writer: Mark Middlewick

Film TypeFeature Films
Film StatusIn Development
Production TypeSA Production
Funding StatusNFVF Funded