Film Library

The NFVF film library is a resource list of South African films.

Search the NFVF film library.

The NFVF film library is a resource list of South African films. Search according to title, genre, production status, production type and funding status.

TitleMet Eish
Plot SummaryCorrupt government officials force Jerry Moloi to go to the western cape to make ice hockey BEE compliant for when Ice Hockey Tournament comes to be hosted in South Africa. But, unfortunately Louw Burger is the only one who knows anything about ice hockey, and black people don’t know anything about ice skating and therefore Jerry and his appointed team bumble through failure after failure.
GenreSports Comedy
Key Creative Team

Writer: Oliver Rodger

Film TypeFeature Films
Film StatusIn Development
Production TypeSA Production
Funding StatusNFVF Funded