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Statement on the alleged ill treatment of cast members

By 31 May 2024June 3rd, 2024No Comments

The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF), the custodians of the South African Film and Television Awards (SAFTAs), has learned of the allegations of  ill-treatment towards cast members and extras by agencies misleading and luring actors to join their agencies using the name of Bomb Productions who produce the series Shaka Ilembe. If true, these are troubling, disappointing and would be a setback to the gains made by the audio-visual sector in South Africa.

The NFVF and the SAFTAs believe, stand for and support the fair treatment of all actors with respect due to them because of their professional standing as dedicated practitioners.  The foundation of the South African democracy and who we are as people is steeped on ubuntu, which speaks to how we relate to each other, and treat each other. As such, it is of great importance for all of us to always be mindful of this in every interaction with fellow human beings.

The NFVF commends the institution of an investigation by Bomb Productions and hopes that it is resolved speedily, in a fair and equitable manner with due recourse. The NFVF encourages all forms of malpractice to be reported to the relevant forums to ensure the safety and integrity of all current and prospective filmmakers. 

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